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About the owner


Here's more than you probably want to know about him...

Damian Joseph McGinty Jr. was born on September 9th, 1992 in Derry, Ireland. He has one brother, Emmett, and a sister, Gemma. He lives in Derry, Ireland when he is not touring with the band.His favorite starbucks drink is a latte. His favorite sport is soccer. He plays football(soccer). His favorite colot is red. Damian's favorite cookie is white chocolate chip. A Bird Without Wings is his favorite song that he sings. He doesn't like to sing Young Love that much.A stallion is his favorite animal. Journey and Coldplay are his favorite american bands. Viva La Vida is his favorite song by Coldplay. Ben Stiller's Night At The Museum is his favorite movie. He favors chocolate chips as his sweet treat. Harry Potter is his favorite book series. He is six foot. He's learning to play guitar. he has a samsung phone.He recorded the first Celtic Thunder album when he was only fourteen years old.

Damian Joseph McGinty Jr. nació el 9 de septiembre de 1992 en Derry, Irlanda. Tiene un hermano, Emmett, y una hermana, Gemma. Él vive en Derry, Irlanda, cuando no está de gira con el Starbucks band.His bebida favorita es un café con leche. Su deporte favorito es el fútbol. Él juega al fútbol (soccer). Su Colot favorito es el rojo. Favorita de galletas Damián es de chocolate blanco. Un pájaro sin alas es su canción favorita la que canta. No le gusta cantar Young Love que semental much.A es su animal favorito. Viaje y Coldplay son sus bandas favoritas de América. Viva La Vida es su canción favorita de Coldplay. Noche de Ben Stiller en el museo es su película favorita. Está a favor de chispas de chocolate como su tratamiento de dulce. Harry Potter es su serie de libros favoritos. Él es de seis pies. Está aprendiendo a tocar la guitarra. tiene un phone.He Samsung grabó el primer álbum de Celtic Thunder cuando sólo tenía catorce años.


Favorite Quotes

Never let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game.

The most I can do for my friend is simply be his friend.
-Henry David Thoreau

Favorite Stuff

His favorite stuff:

Favorite starbucks drink:Latte
Favorite movie:night in A Museum
Favorite american bands:Journey & Coldplay
Favorite book:Harry Potter series
Favorite sports:Soccer
Favorite color:Red
Favorite animal:Stallion
Favortie song he sings:A Bird Without Wings
Favorite cookie:White Chocolate Chip
Favorite song by Coldplay:Viva La Vida
Favorite sweet treat:Chocolate Chips

I'll have a fan of the month page set up as soon as I get everything done including getting a co-owner. If you are interested in being a co-owner email me and tell me:
1) why you want to be a co-owner
2) are you dependeable
3) tell what you think I need to know about you